No tot és or és una creació pensada especialment pel festival DANSAPAR de Girona. Dansapar, el festival que porta la dansa als aparadors de les botigues del Barri Vell de Girona. 

En aquesta peça Impàs compta amb la magnífica col·laboració del pintor i artista plàstic Mim Juncà. 

No tot és or transforma l'aparador de la botiga en un petit menjador a l'hora del tè. Un mestressa de casa, elegant com mai, es disposa a relaxar-se fent un tè. És durant aquest moment de tranquilitat que pensa que no tot el que llueix és or. Que la seva vida potser és una farsa, realment és tant feliç com intenta mostrar dia a dia?

S'allibera, es deixa anar i comença a despendres dels modals..



Not all  is gold was a perform what was created specificly for the DANPASAR festival. A  dance festival what took place in several shops showcases in the Barri Vell neighbourhood. 

For that piece we were lucky to worked with MIM JUNCÀ, an plastic artist, sculptur, painter and probably all that he  wants to will do from his artistic point of view. 

Not all is gold/My wonderful world  transforms a shop showcase in a living room in a tea time. One housewife,the most elegant housewife that you've ever seen. she wants to takes a break and  relax . Is during that tea time when she suddenly thinks if is gold all that it's shine. Is it true that her life is really so fantastic ? Or  maybe it's a big lie  without sense ? Is she so happy like she's showing day after day? 

She leaves her modals and se become to be free... 






segueix-nos a les xarxes socials per estar al dia de tot  @impascia.dansa